Saturday, April 12, 2008

dead romance & design wonders

why do i feel like we're drifting apart although everything is still the same?

perhaps it is because he no longer has 'that look' as often as he used to. or is it because of the lack of cuddles that used to make me feel so appreciated? it could also be the signs of him wanting to be single every now and then. and certainly no more whispers of sweet nothings.

i know, it's almost inevitable for all this to happen as a relationship progresses towards the stale end of the scale, but i don't like it and i refuse to accept it. just like how i refuse to accept that my metabolism is starting to slow down and i need to start exercising.

lesson number one on marriage:
his mum once said to me (in her cute nyonya accent), "marriage is not about love love thing. it is about keeping each other company until you're old. even though we fight everyday about small small things, i know he is a good person."

but the thing is, i WANT that "love love thing". i want it to be the forever, ever ever (ala outkast) thing. who doesn't?

it is because of this, i don't think i'm very good with keeping long relationships. i refuse to grow stale. i want passion throughout, not obligations. perhaps, i really am going to be an old spinster with 14 cats as someone once told me.

oh joy.

i love looking at interiors. here's some i drool over.



love the colour scheme of this bedroom. contemporary shabby chic with a vintage feel.

here's a reason to never get out of bed. a HD plasma tv embedded into your bed. now all you need is a bell to call for food!

another reason to sleep all day. in your very own rocking bed!! i'm so deep in love with this bed.

simple yet curvy in the right places.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey lisha :P

Was told that I would have to work with you on the website so popped by your blog and saw this...

I don't necessarily think that as relationship progresses it needs to lose its romance. It takes on a different character kinda like a nice warm afternoon by the sea instead of a firework display and the comfort of knowing each other well without having to say too much.

But don't compromise on the cuddles :P That is UNACCEPTABLE! lol. There is a difference between 'warm romance' and complacency and 'lukewarm' treatment but I know nothing about your situation...soo I'll leave that to you to decide.

best of luck lisha. hope it turns out ok.