Sunday, August 24, 2008

august babies

okay. i'm really backtracked in my posts, i know.

i've been meaning to write about:
- Bangkok
- MTV Asia Awards
- Panic at the Disco
- Pasta Zanmai

but nyeh. i'm no longer the avid blogger i once used to be. probably coz a whole bunch of my friends gave up on it. i lost my extrinsic motivation.

anyway... i digress, so, let me get back on track.

last saturday, we had a belated joint birthday dinner for way han and leonard at las carretas. su-yen msn-ed me two weeks beforehand and booked me. =p

su: "you better come!! or else...."
lisha: "ok ok, i'll be free on the 16th!"

su can be quite ganas if you piss her off. she's a mum of two boys, yo. so don't mess. she'll crack her whip and discipline you without hesitation. hope amer's into the S&M thing. haha

it felt like a high school reunion. the food was pretty yummy and surprisingly, reasonably priced. the cocktails were pretty cheap too. i think it was about rm14 for a margarita!

leo & way han fighting over who should don the sombrero first.

leo & su - i swear they both look like anime characters.

way han & leo - the august babies

fiona & hisham (more well known as mix fm's sham)

way han: "you blow it."
leo: "nah man. you blow it. your birthday was more recent."
everyone: "just blow the damn thing, both of you!"

1 comment:

nenamoesha said...

hey babe you've been tagged. Just write 6 random things bout yourself =D